LIGHT: Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and Transformation seeks to bridge the divide between the public, and public health professionals. With a mission to disseminate public health information through more digestible means, specifically using art, letters, stories, and poetry; the LIGHT founders created an annual Public Health and Literary Arts Virtual Festival that would substantially further the accessibility of public health information. The LIGHT Virtual Festival features diverse, creative, and innovative voices that prompt meaningful and engaging conversations regarding various public health topics and information.
This past June, the 2nd Annual LIGHT Virtual Festival gathered together 173 attendees who actively participated in 10 workshops, two yoga sessions, 4 main stage presentations, and 1 panel discussion. If you missed the festival, please visit our YouTube to view session recaps.
This upcoming June, the 3rd Annual LIGHT Virtual Festival will foster and enrich conversations centered on reimagining healing and transformation with healthy spaces and places. LIGHT is currently seeking diverse, creative, and innovative voices to guide our attendees through engaging workshops centered on this topic of healthy spaces and places. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact
Registration for the 3rd Annual LIGHT Virtual Festival will open in the coming weeks, however in the meantime, please see our save the date invitation for more information!

Follow Us On Social Media!
Instagram: @light4ph
Twitter: @light4ph
Facebook: @LIGHT – Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and Transformation
Youtube: @light4ph