In February of 2022, we released our first Open Call: How might we recreate public health as art, letters, stories, and poetry? The following is an art submission we received from this open call.
“Peace, Love, Unity, Respect”, “We Endure Together; We Fight Together”

“We live in a time where we all need help, consoling, care, and to feel like we are not alone. Whether this is physical or mental health. We need to feel like we can lean on each other, be there for one another regardless of race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. Why? Simply because we are all human at the end of the day, with the same needs. We are currently in a fight for survival, and now nor anytime to be exact, is the time to discriminate simply because of what one looks like on the surface or prefers. We deserve to be treated as equal, as we are the same species and bleed red. No one should be left behind, or feel any less than others. Discrimination based on racial, social, and economic class should not exist, as we all need a helping hand from those who have the resources and means to help those around them. This also includes authoritative figures who have the ability and equipment to help the communities, those who we SHOULD be able to look up to, trust, and feel safe around. We all need each other, and now is the time to value one another, put differences aside, and keep each other safe and healthy during this difficult time in history which will in turn, change and shape the future. It’s 2022, and now is the time for change and progression. It’s long overdue. “
Britnie Walston

“My art submission addresses the public health issue described above, as they each portray mental health in our society today and what contributes to it. In addition, my pieces also express unity and communicate the idea of all of us working together as a society to ensure that everyone is taken care of, heard, and treated as human. This means putting aside color, statistics, and stereotypes while helping us all to realize what humanity should mean and be. We have all endured stressful times together, as well as personal things in life that contribute to our health; both physical and mental.”
Britnie Walston

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