In February of 2024, we released our fifth Open Call: Using art, letters, stories, and poetry, tell us: how might we create healthy spaces and places for all? The following is an art submission we received from this open call.
“This photo is from the Jean Drapeau Aquatic Complex in Montreal, a city known for its public art, public parcs and public pools. When I think of healthy spaces and places for everyone, I think of parcs and pools. I think of the right to safety and the freedom to play. To see horizon lines and the light of the sky each night: wondrously different and new every time. And I particularly, and politically, think of the world-making that happens in these spaces with bodies of and from all different spaces and places. Public pools are sites of futurity in the face violence and subjugation and discrimination around us everywhere: a revolution of their past. Particularly when one gets to swim to sunset, amongst music and public art.
Personally, there is nothing on this planet – next to my child – more centering, more calming, more grounding, more home-space making, more inspiring, more self-reflective, more reflexive, more creative, more dreamy, more liberating, more transformative, more lyrical, more sensual, more restorative, more guiding than swimming in water. I find myself again and again. I find my thoughts. I find my answers. I find my ideas. I find my wellbeing. I find joy. Water safety and learning to swim ought to be rights and skills afforded to everyone. Movement through water has the special power to heal and transform the body, mind, heart, soul, spirit; trauma and grief. Safe access to water, and access to safe water are health for everyone.”
Jessica Ruglis
“Night Swimming” by Jessica Ruglis

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